9 Common Things That Are 7 Inches Long

Having a general sense of measurements can be incredibly useful in various situations, whether you need to estimate the size of an object or visualize a specific length.

While carrying a ruler or measuring tape is always an option, sometimes you might not have one handy. In such cases, being familiar with the sizes of common household items can come in handy for quick and rough measurements.

One particularly handy measurement to know is 7 inches, as numerous everyday objects fall within this range. From kitchen utensils to stationery items, understanding what measures around 7 inches can help you gauge distances, sizes, and proportions without relying on specialized tools.

In this article, we’ll explore nine common things that are approximately 7 inches long, allowing you to visualize and estimate this measurement with ease.

1. Butter Knife

A butter knife, also known as a butter spreader, is a kitchen utensil designed specifically for spreading butter, jams, and other condiments onto bread or pastries. These knives typically feature a rounded, dull edge to prevent tearing or shredding the bread, making them ideal for their intended purpose.

The average length of a butter knife is around 7 inches, making it a perfect reference point for visualizing this measurement.

Whether you’re setting the table for a formal dinner party or simply reaching for a butter knife in your kitchen drawer, you can use it as a mental guide for estimating the size of other objects or distances.

2. Paper clips

Paper clips

Paper clips are ubiquitous office supplies found in homes, workplaces, and schools worldwide. These handy little metal wires, typically formed into a looped or elongated shape, are used to bind and organize papers together.

While paper clips come in various sizes, the standard Gem paper clip, with its oblong, colorful design, is approximately 1 inch long.

By lining up seven of these paper clips end-to-end, you’ll have a visual representation of 7 inches. So, the next time you need to estimate a length or size, consider using the humble paper clip as your reference point.

3. Debit or Credit Cards

In today’s world, most people carry at least one debit or credit card in their wallets or purses. These rectangular plastic or metal cards, issued by banks and financial institutions, are not only essential for making purchases but can also serve as a valuable measurement tool.

The standard size for debit and credit cards is approximately 3.37 inches long and 2.125 inches wide. By placing two of these cards end-to-end, you’ll have a rough estimate of 7 inches.

Whether you’re measuring the length of a shelf, a window sill, or any other object, your trusty debit or credit card can come in handy as a quick reference.

4. Salad Plates

Salad plates are smaller-sized dishes commonly used to serve salads, appetizers, or the first course of a meal. These plates are designed to be visually appealing and often feature intricate patterns or designs.

While salad plate sizes can vary, a standard salad plate typically measures between 7 and 8.5 inches in diameter.

If you have a 7-inch salad plate in your cupboard, you can use it as a visual guide to estimate the length or width of various objects around your home or workplace.

5. Golf Balls

Golf Balls

Golf is a popular sport enjoyed by millions worldwide, and every golfer is familiar with the ubiquitous golf ball. These small, dimpled spheres are essential components of the game and are subject to strict size regulations by governing bodies.

According to official standards, a golf ball must have a diameter of precisely 1.68 inches.

By lining up four golf balls in a row, you’ll have a rough approximation of 7 inches. Whether you’re an avid golfer or simply have a few golf balls lying around, they can serve as handy measurement references when needed.

6. Wooden Pencil

Pencils are among the most common and widely used writing instruments found in homes, offices, and schools across the globe. While pencils come in various sizes and materials, the standard #2 wooden pencil is a ubiquitous and familiar sight.

When brand new and unsharpened, a typical #2 wooden pencil measures approximately 7 to 7.5 inches in length.

This simple writing tool can be a valuable asset when you need to quickly estimate the size or length of an object, especially when no other measuring devices are readily available.

7. Crayons

Crayons are beloved art supplies that bring joy and creativity to children and adults alike. These colorful wax sticks are commonly used for drawing, coloring, and various artistic endeavors.

A standard crayon measures around 3.5 inches in length. By placing two crayons end-to-end, you’ll have a visual representation of approximately 7 inches.

Whether you’re working on an art project or simply have a few crayons within reach, they can serve as a handy reference for estimating lengths and sizes.

8. Coins


Coins are perhaps one of the most readily available objects that can be used for rough measurement purposes. In the United States, for example, the quarter coin has a diameter of exactly 1 inch.

By lining up seven quarter coins side by side, you’ll have a visual representation of 7 inches. Alternatively, if you have pennies on hand, you can use nine of them in a row to approximate the same length.

Coins can be a convenient and practical tool for quick measurements, especially when you don’t have a ruler or tape measure nearby.

9. Novelty Items

In addition to common household items, there are various novelty objects and collectibles that measure around 7 inches. These items can range from gag gifts and quirky souvenirs to rare or historical artifacts, such as the antique 7-inch diameter Koprebati singing bowl.

While novelty items may not be as readily available as other items on this list, they can still serve as useful visual references for estimating the 7-inch measurement. If you happen to own or come across such an item, take note of its size and use it as a mental guide when needed.

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Why is it important to know common objects that measure 7 inches?

Knowing the size of everyday objects can help you estimate lengths and distances without a measuring tool. It’s a handy skill for quickly visualizing dimensions.

Are the items listed in this article precisely 7 inches long?

The items mentioned are approximate measurements around 7 inches. Actual sizes may vary slightly due to manufacturing differences.

Can I use these items to measure larger or smaller distances?

Yes, you can use these items as references and mentally scale up or down to estimate different lengths.

What if I don’t have access to any of the listed items?

Try to visualize common objects you’re familiar with, or use body parts like your palm or forearm as rough guides.

Are there any other household items that measure around 7 inches?

There are various other items that could measure approximately 7 inches, such as certain smartphones, books, or decorative objects.


In conclusion, having the ability to visualize common measurements like 7 inches using familiar everyday objects is an incredibly useful skill.

From kitchen utensils to office supplies and beyond, the 9 items highlighted in this article provide handy mental references for estimating this length without needing a ruler or tape measure.

By committing these rough measurements to memory, you’ll always have a reliable way to accurately gauge sizes and distances in a pinch.

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