Toriah Lachell Mimms: From Getting Cheated on By Jayson To A Successful Entrepreneur 

Toriah Lachell Mimms is a young businesswoman and hair expert. She used to date NBA player Jayson Tatum. They have a son named Deuce. Toriah faced tough times but didn’t give up. She worked hard and started her own hair salon.

Have you ever been hurt by someone you loved? Toriah was. But she didn’t let it stop her. She had a baby young and people talked. But Toriah didn’t listen. She followed her dreams instead. Now she’s doing great!

Toriah owns The Curl Bar in Boston. It’s a cool hair salon for all types of curly hair. She’s not just “Jayson’s ex” anymore. She’s a boss and helps her community. Toriah shows that you can change your life if you try. She inspires other young moms and people who want to start businesses.

A Tale of Resilience and Reinvention

Toriah Lachell Mimms isn’t just another name in the world of beauty and entrepreneurship. Her journey from being the ex-girlfriend of NBA player Jayson Tatum to becoming a successful salon owner is nothing short of inspirational. 

This story isn’t just about heartbreak and betrayal; it’s about the power of resilience, the strength of motherhood, and the triumph of the entrepreneurial spirit.

As we dive into Toriah’s world, we’ll explore how she transformed her life after a tumultuous relationship, embraced her role as a young mother, and built a thriving business. 

Her tale is a testament to the fact that life’s challenges, no matter how daunting, can be stepping stones to success. Let’s unravel the layers of Toriah’s journey, from her days as a high school sweetheart to her current status as a respected entrepreneur and community figure.

Toriah’s Profile Summary

Toriah Lachell Mimms is a 27-year-old beautician and entrepreneur based in Boston. Born on February 9th, this Aquarius stands at 5’8” and proudly embraces her biracial heritage, being of African-American and Italian/German/Polish descent. She’s the mother of Jayson “Deuce” Christopher Tatum Jr., born on December 6th, 2017, when Torah was just 20 years old.

Toriah’s journey is marked by her transition from being known primarily as Jayson Tatum’s partner to establishing her own identity as the owner of The Curl Bar, a successful hair salon in Boston. 

Her story is one of personal growth, professional development, and the challenges of co-parenting with a basketball star. Despite the hurdles of early parenthood and a public breakup, Toriah has emerged as a role model for young mothers and aspiring entrepreneurs alike.

She Became Pregnant With Jayson’s Child Despite His Father’s Warning

She Became Pregnant With Jayson's Child Despite His Father's Warning

The story of Toriah’s pregnancy is one that caught many by surprise, including Jayson’s father, Justin Tatum. In a twist of irony, Justin had previously encouraged Jayson and Toriah to babysit his younger sister, Kayden, more often.

 His intention? To give the young couple a reality check and discourage them from becoming young parents too soon. Despite this playful intervention, life had other plans for the high school sweethearts.

In the spring of 2017, as Jayson was wrapping up an impressive freshman year at Duke and preparing for the NBA draft, Toriah’s pregnancy news came as an unexpected curveball. 

The teenage pregnancy was a shock to both families and the public. It thrust Toriah and Jayson into the world of early parenthood, a challenge that would test their relationship and individual strengths in ways they couldn’t have anticipated.

She Broke-Up with Jayson Around the Time He Joined Duke

The transition from high school to college often strains relationships, and Toriah and Jayson’s was no exception. Their teenage romance began in August 2014, with Jayson at Chaminade College Preparatory and Toriah at McCluer North High School.

 The distance and new experiences that came with Jayson’s move to Duke University began to take their toll on their youthful partnership.

According to reports from celebrity forums, Jayson’s involvement with several women during his time at Duke led to the couple’s split. The adolescent relationship that had seemed so strong in high school couldn’t withstand the pressures of distance and newfound fame. 

Shortly after their breakup, Jayson began dating Samie Amos, a volleyball player at Duke, marking the end of what many had thought would be a lasting first love story.

Fans Accused Tatum of Pulling a Lou Williams

Fans Accused Tatum of Pulling a Lou Williams

The drama surrounding Jayson Tatum’s relationships took an intense turn when Toriah announced her pregnancy while he was dating Samie Amos. This situation drew comparisons to NBA player Lou Williams, known for his complex personal life. Fans and media dubbed Jayson the ‘Lou Will Second Coming’, referencing Williams’ notorious reputation for juggling multiple partners.

The public scrutiny intensified when Samie Amos took to Instagram to express her frustrations, criticizing Jayson’s behavior and character. Her post went viral, though it was quickly deleted.

The situation highlighted the challenges of maintaining privacy in the age of social media, especially for young athletes thrust into the spotlight. It also sparked discussions about responsibility and maturity among young parents in the public eye.

Her Ex-Partner Admits He Was Selfish; Was Worried More About His Career Than Being a Dad

Years after Deuce’s birth, Jayson Tatum opened up about his initial reaction to fatherhood in a candid interview with Graham Bensinger. He admitted to being selfish at first, more concerned about his upcoming NBA draft than embracing his role as a father. 

“I was more worried about getting drafted than I was about being a dad,” Tatum confessed, revealing the internal struggle he faced as a young athlete on the brink of a professional career.

This admission sheds light on the complexities of early parenthood, especially when coupled with the pressures of a burgeoning sports career. Tatum’s fear that teams might view him as unfocused if they knew about his impending fatherhood led him to keep the news secret from teammates and coaches. 

He describes a profound shift in his perspective the moment he held his son for the first time, marking the beginning of his journey to balance his roles as both an NBA star and a devoted father.

She Moved to Boston To Transition to Her New Setting

Toriah’s move to Boston marked a significant turning point in her life, facilitated by the support of Jayson’s mother, Cole-Barnes. Recognizing the challenges faced by young parents, Cole-Barnes encouraged Toriah to relocate to the Boston area, setting up a unique living arrangement that fostered both independence and family support. Three apartments were arranged in the same complex: one for Toriah, one for Jayson, and one for Cole-Barnes and her husband.

This setup not only provided a support system for the young family but also allowed Toriah to pursue her own goals while co-parenting with Jayson. Cole-Barnes took on the role of resident babysitter, enabling Toriah to continue her studies and Jayson to focus on his rising NBA career

This arrangement exemplifies the importance of family support in navigating the challenges of early parenthood and demonstrates how collaborative parenting can work even in unconventional circumstances.

She Continued to Take Big Strides In her Career Despite Being a Young Mom

She Continued to Take Big Strides In her Career Despite Being a Young Mom

Despite the challenges of early motherhood, Toriah Lachell Mimms refused to put her professional ambitions on hold. While she could have relied solely on child support from an NBA star, she chose to forge her own path. Even before Deuce was born, Toriah had set her sights on becoming a beautician, a passion that would eventually lead to her entrepreneurial success.

Following her dream, Toriah completed her education at Empire Beauty School in Boston. Her journey into the world of hairstyling was deeply personal, inspired by her own experiences with embracing natural curls. 

Through self-teaching and countless hours of YouTube tutorials, Toriah became an expert in textured hair care. This expertise, showcased on Instagram, led to increasing requests for her styling advice and services, paving the way for her professional career in hairstyling.

She Wears Her Biracial Heritage with Honor

Toriah’s multicultural background is a significant part of her identity and has played a crucial role in shaping her personal and professional life. With an African-American father, Mario Mimms, and a mother, Julie Gibbs, of German and Italian descent, Toriah grew up immersed in a rich tapestry of cultures. This diverse ancestry has given her a unique perspective that she brings to her work and personal life.

Despite her parents’ separation when she was young, Toriah maintained positive relationships with both sides of her family. This experience of blended lineage has influenced her approach to her business, The Curl Bar. 

The salon celebrates diversity and encourages clients to embrace their natural hair textures, a philosophy that directly reflects Toriah’s pride in her mixed ethnicity. By listing her business as black-owned, she not only celebrates her identity but also contributes to the growing movement of minority enterprise in the beauty industry.

Toriah Lachell: Financial Success and Community Contributions

Toriah’s journey from a young mother to a successful entrepreneur is reflected in her estimated net worth of around $500,000. This financial success is a testament to her hard work, smart management, and the popularity of her salon, The Curl Bar

The business has gained recognition for its welcoming atmosphere and inclusive approach, catering to all hair types and reflecting Toriah’s commitment to celebrating diversity.

Beyond her business success, Toriah has shown a strong dedication to community engagement. In 2023, she celebrated the second anniversary of her salon with a block party that not only showcased The Curl Bar but also highlighted other small, minority-owned businesses

This event, offering free activities and services for families, demonstrated Toriah’s commitment to giving back to her community and supporting fellow entrepreneurs. Her success story serves as an inspiration, showing how personal challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and community impact.

Interesting Facts About Her

Toriah Lachell Mimms‘s life is filled with fascinating details that add depth to her story. Her great-grandfather, Donald Roberts, served in both World War II and the Korean War, instilling a sense of service and resilience in her family history. 

During her high school years at McCluer North, Toriah played soccer and softball, showcasing her athletic side. In a humorous self-assessment of her skills, she once quipped, “I really was the .”

Interestingly, Toriah’s life mirrors her mother’s in some ways. Julie, Toriah’s mom, also gave birth to her at the age of 20, creating a generational parallel of young motherhood. Currently, Toriah resides in St Somerville, MA, conveniently close to Jayson’s home in Newton, MA, facilitating their co-parenting arrangement. These personal details paint a picture of a woman deeply connected to her family history and committed to maintaining strong family ties despite the challenges she’s faced.

People Also Ask

Does Deuce Tatum have Down Syndrome?

No, Deuce Tatum does not have Down Syndrome. Jayson and Toriah’s son was born without any physical or mental disabilities. This question likely arose due to curiosity about the child’s development, given his parents’ youth at the time of his birth. It’s important to note that early parenthood doesn’t inherently lead to health issues in children.

Deuce has been in the public eye since birth due to his father’s NBA career, often appearing at games and in social media posts. He’s growing up as a healthy, active child, often seen interacting with his father and other Boston Celtics players. This visibility has allowed fans to see his normal development firsthand, dispelling any unfounded rumors about his health or cognitive abilities.

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