How To Make Hiboy S2 Faster?

The Hiboy S2 is an electric scooter known for its affordable price and versatility. However, some users want more speed from this scooter. Making the Hiboy S2 faster involves simple modifications and adjustments that can improve its acceleration and top speed without compromising safety or reliability.

“How To Make Hiboy S2 Faster” is a question many owners ask themselves. With a few tweaks, users can unlock even more fun and excitement from this scooter. Learning simple hacks can satisfy the desire for more speed without breaking the bank.

Larger wheels, controller changes, and better battery performance are some methods to boost the Hiboy S2’s pace. Upgrading strategic components enhances acceleration off the line and at top speeds. Riders can customize their scooter to match their riding style while keeping safety the top priority.

Custom Modifications for Hiboy S2 Speed Boost

Caution: Changing anything mentioned in the article might not be completely safe, even if it’s researched. It could make your scooter and frame wear out faster. It’s best to ask technicians for help when making modifications.

Removing Speed Limiter

There aren’t any physical wires that control the speed directly. Instead, the speed is limited by the controller because there’s a drop in power output once you hit the speed limit set by the controller.

Replacing or reprogramming the controller isn’t straightforward.

But, you can still boost your speed by using custom speed limit controllers made for Xiaomi, which you can find in stores or online. Many riders have successfully increased their speed by swapping out the entire set of wires (like those for lights, motors, batteries, brakes, and throttle) with these controllers.

You’ll need some technical know-how for this and you’ll have to replace all the wires along with the controllers to ensure compatibility. Customizing the Hiboy S2 series isn’t an easy task.

Removing Speed Limit by App

Removing Speed Limit by App

Using apps like Scooter hacking utility to remove or adjust the speed limit may not always work perfectly, according to many riders. It’s a good idea to give it a try before attempting physical removal.

Battery Upgrade

Once you’ve changed the controller or taken off the speed limit, you should address the issue of Hiboy S2 Pro Is Not Charging by ensuring the battery is in good condition. This is because the reduced power won’t matter anymore, and the motor can handle more power. By getting a better battery, you can increase the voltage, current, and power output.

The controller can handle up to 18 ampere-hours, so aim for that energy output. But be cautious not to overload the motor. It gets shaky if it’s pushed too hard. After checking a lot, I believe upgrading both the controller and battery might be too much unless you also upgrade the motor. So, either removing the speed limit or upgrading the battery should do the trick.

Motor Upgrade

After dealing with the trouble of changing the battery and controller and removing the speed limit, swapping out the motor is pretty easy. All you need is a motor with more power and replace it with the old one.

You can do this in a couple of ways. One option is to get the wheel with the motor from a better version of the Hiboy S-series scooter (for example, you can buy the S2 Pro motor for the S2).

Another way is to just buy another motor and attach it to the other wheel along with the original one. This will make the scooter have power going to both wheels, so you’ll probably need to upgrade the battery too.

Replace Air Tires with Solid Tires

Changing the air tires to solid tires on a Hiboy S2 electric scooter, especially the S2 Max, can affect its speed in different ways. But the main change might not make it go faster directly. Here are some things to think about:

  • Less resistance when rolling
  • Keeps working consistently
  • More stable
  • Easier to maintain

Controller Adjustment

In simple terms, as I mentioned earlier about removing the speed limiter, tweaking the controller of this scooter isn’t something easy. Even if you try to adjust it to release more energy, the motor won’t behave as expected. It’s not due to too much energy reaching it, but because the controller controls how much energy goes to the motor.

The controller needs to be kept as it is for the motor to work properly.

OR you can just follow what I said before in the section about removing the speed limit.

Optimizing Speed: Selecting the Highest Speed Mode

Maximizing the Hiboy S2’s performance involves utilizing the electric scooter’s most powerful setting. By changing the speed mode to the highest option, riders can access the quickest acceleration and top speeds for thrilling yet safe rides.

  • The Hiboy S2 controller has different speed modes that limit the scooter’s top speed
  • Selecting the highest speed mode allows for maximum performance from the scooter
  • To change the mode, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds until the light flashes
  • This enters “function mode” which allows adjusting the speed limiter setting
  • Press the acceleration trigger to cycle between modes – mode 1 is the slowest, mode 3 is the fastest
  • Choosing mode 3 removes the top-speed governor for more acceleration and a higher top-speed
  • Ride cautiously in this mode as braking distances will increase at higher speeds
  • Always wear safety gear like a helmet when attempting maximum speeds for safety

Simple But Helpful Tips to Make Hiboy Scooter Faster

Simple But Helpful Tips to Make Hiboy Scooter Faster

With some basic adjustments and optimizations, riders can unlock even more speed and power from their Hiboy electric scooter. From managing payload to ensuring optimal motor performance, here are some simple but effective tips to help make any Hiboy scooter faster and more fun to ride.

Manage Payload

The heavier the weight, the slower the scooter. Remove unnecessary cargo from the basket and backpack to lighten the load. Only carry what is needed and keep weight low and centered over the rear wheel. Distributing 60+ pounds can reduce speed and battery range.

Aligning Tires and Adjusting Pressure

Ensuring properly inflated tires helps the scooter roll smoothly. Check the tire pressure is at the recommended level, usually around 35-45 PSI. Also, align the wheels straight to reduce drag from poor handling. Taking a few minutes for maintenance provides a faster and safer ride.

Inspecting Brakes

Brakes that aren’t working properly can be dangerous and slow down acceleration. Check that the brake pads aren’t worn down and make good contact with the wheel rim. The brake fluid or cables may need replacement if the brakes feel soft or don’t grab the wheel quickly. Smooth braking allows for quicker speeding up.

Charging Battery Before Ride

A low battery means less power and slower riding. Fully charge the battery using the recommended charger before each trip. Never deplete the battery below 20% to preserve its life and capacity. Keeping the battery healthy keeps the scooter running at full speed for longer fun rides.

Aerodynamic Riding

Crouch lower onto the scooter when moving at higher speeds. This better streamlines the rider’s body through the air. Wear a helmet to reduce wind resistance on the head. Keep hands and arms close to the body. Adopting an aerodynamic riding position makes it easier to go faster with less effort.

Tuning Motor and Cooling System

Overheating can diminish the motor’s output and top speed. Ensure proper airflow around the motor by removing debris from vents and heatsinks. High-quality lubricants on moving parts spare wear and improve efficiency. Regular inspection and maintenance by an expert keeps components like belts and pulleys running optimally for maximum acceleration.

Turning Off Un-needed Electronics 

Extra battery power is diverted from unnecessary lights and displays. Turn off hazard lights and control panel backlights to conserve energy for the motor. Riders can still check phone notifications at stoplights without slowing top speed during active riding. Directing full battery power to propulsion boosts ride performance.


How fast does the Hiboy S2 go?

Improved Electric Scooter: The S2 MAX electric scooter can go as fast as 19 mph, travel up to 40.4 miles, and carry a maximum weight of 220 lbs.

How can I increase my scooter speed?

Electric mobility scooters run on batteries. When the batteries have low voltage, they give less power to the motors, which makes the scooter move slowly. If you upgrade to batteries with higher voltage, your scooter will go faster and can travel farther.

How do you remove the speed limiter on a Hiboy electric scooter?

You might have to take off a plastic cover or the bottom part of the scooter to get to the controller. To disconnect the speed limiter, find the white connector and carefully pull it apart. Make sure you don’t harm any wires or connections while doing this.

How do I remove a speed limiter?

With ECU remapping, we can take away speed limits or set new ones. At Effective Tuning, we’re experts in removing speed limiters. We can adjust your vehicle’s ECU so it won’t cap your top speed anymore.


selecting the highest speed mode, optimizing the battery, and practicing efficient riding are easy ways to increase a Hiboy S2’s speed. Riders should always prioritize safety when attempting higher speeds. Carefully following this guide’s tips can help the scooter function properly at a faster pace while preserving reliability. Owners can satisfy their desire for speed by tinkering carefully.

Physical changes should only be made with expert help, as reliability and safety could be impacted. Software and riding technique adjustments are usually best before considering changes. Implementing proven tricks cautiously can boost speed safely without major risks. Safety remains a top priority as more speed is achieved.

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