Speed Hacks To Make Your Gotrax Gxl V2 Faster

The Gotrax GXL V2 is a popular electric scooter used by many for daily commute. With some simple modifications, its speed can be increased while maintaining safety. These speed hacks allow riders to cover longer distances in less time.

“Speed Hacks to Make Your Gotrax GXL V2 Faster” reveals techniques to boost the scooter’s performance. Commuters will be interested to apply easy tweaks and gain an edge over traffic. With responsiveness improved, maneuvering through the streets becomes quicker.

Increasing the speed of Gotrax GXL V2 can help riders save valuable time each day. Some adjustments inside the motor controller board optimize the acceleration and top speed. Riders will find their commute more enjoyable with a little extra zip in the electric scooter without compromising stability.

Can I Remove Gotrax GXLV2 Speed Limiter

Can I Remove Gotrax GXLV2 Speed Limiter

The Gotrax GXLV2 has a speed limiter for safety, designed to prevent fast speeds for new riders. However, experienced riders interested in an electric scooter speed upgrade may wish to go faster. It is possible to remove the speed limiter and unleash the full power of the GXLV2’s motor with some small changes. If you’re looking to fix Gotrax GXL V2 throttle issues or make modifications to the throttle response, it’s essential to proceed with caution and follow proper guidelines to ensure a safe and effective adjustment.

To enhance Gotrax scooter performance, users can unlock higher speeds by removing the limiter. To do this, open the motor controller box located under the deck, secured by four screws. Inside the box, there is a circuit board with speed programming. An expert can make adjustments to the settings, allowing the motor to propel the scooter to its maximum pace. 

It’s crucial for riders to exercise caution when operating at increased speeds and to prioritize safety by wearing protective gear such as a helmet at all times while riding the scooter unlocked. Keep in mind that removing the limiter is at the owner’s risk, but it caters to those enthusiasts seeking greater speed from their GXLV2 scooter.

Understanding Speed Limiter

All electric scooters, including the GXL V2 with its speed mods, have a speed limiter. This is for the safety of new riders. The limiter, including the GXL V2 speed mods, controls how fast the scooter can go. It stops extra power when riders push harder on the throttle, ensuring a gradual acceleration. This feature is particularly beneficial for new riders as it helps them go slower at first, promoting a safer and more controlled riding experience.

The limiter is inside the motor box below the deck. A small chip sets the speed limit. A grown-up who knows fixings can change the setting. Riders can then go faster but must be very careful. Safety gear is important like helmets. Riding slower is better and handling is key for safety when out enjoying the scooter.

The Hard Truth

Unlike some scooters, modifying the speed limitations on Gotrax scooters requires technical expertise. The performance capabilities are carefully calibrated by the manufacturer to consider the safety of the rider and the lifespan of the vehicle.

The speed limiter is integrated with key components like the controller and motor, designed to operate in sync. Unauthorized tampering with these systems risks compromising their coordinated function and potentially causing harm.

While forums may discuss such modifications, it’s always best to operate electric vehicles solely as intended by their engineers. Gotrax designs enforce prudent limits that uphold mechanical integrity over time. Riders interested in speed should consider models explicitly made for higher performance sport instead of risking their safety or this scooter through unwarranted changes. Overall vehicle and rider well-being depend on following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Risks Involved

Removing the speed limiter comes with risks. The limiter protects parts from stress. It keeps batteries and motors working properly. Too much power can damage them quickly. Parts may stop working or get hot enough to catch fire. That is why limiters exist, to avoid damage.

Riding without the limiter needs care. It is best if a grown up does any changes. Even then problems could arise from extra speed. Wearing safety gear is very important in case of crashes. Going slow and learning control first is safer and more fun. Understanding risks helps riders stay safe on scooters.

How Can I Make Gotrax  GXL V2 Faster When Speed Limit Can’t be Removed

There are some ways to make a Gotrax GXL V2 scooter go faster without tampering with the speed limit. Upgrading the battery can give more power. A larger capacity battery means the motor gets more juice. This allows for quicker acceleration and higher top speeds.

Riders can also adjust the throttle sensitivity to get faster launches. Finding the right balance makes the scooter react sharper to throttle input. Lighter components like swapping the stock tires for air-filled tires can boost speed a little too. Following some simple adjustments inside safety guidelines helps riders squeeze out better performance from their GXL V2. Protective gear is still necessary for safety at higher speeds.

Make GXL V2 Faster: Tried & Tested Speed Hacks

Make GXL V2 Faster: Tried & Tested Speed Hacks

There are some easy changes you can make to increase the speed of your Gotrax GXL V2 scooter. Upgrading the battery is one way. A larger battery pack means more power. You can find lightweight replacement packs online. Adjusting the throttle sensitivity also helps. Turn up the response in the settings to get ahead quicker off the line.

Replacing the standard tires can boost speed slightly too. Inflating softer tires to the proper PSI or swapping for air-filled tires rolls more efficiently. Remember to always wear a helmet and ride safely. Following these tips should wake up the performance of your GXL V2 without risking damage. Always be aware of local laws when riding faster. Most importantly, have fun exploring new speeds safely!

Buy a Second Battery

While stock batteries offer standard performance, riders naturally experiment. One option is adding a genuine extra battery matching your model. This has potential to provide more energy, allowing for enhanced acceleration and speeds closer to maximum ratings. 

Modifying specifications carries risks, so operating as intended ensures long-term safety and compliance. For higher performance, specialized models may be a better choice.

Get a Bigger Controller

For some models like the GXL V2, a dual battery setup requires an advanced controller upgrade like VESC to achieve higher displacement rates. A controller enhanced with dual battery power has the potential to reach approximately 15 mph speeds. 

Modifications require investments that may outweigh benefits depending on rider needs – a specialized higher-performance model could potentially offer a better solution in some cases. The risks and requirements of non-standard upgrades should be carefully weighed.

Swap the Battery Management System (BMS)

Replacing the Battery Management System allows for more speed. The BMS unit protects the battery and limits power. A different BMS without limits gives full use of power.

Upgrading the battery, BMS, and throttle together removes blocks on speed. A bigger battery and BMS unit provide added power to the motor. This extra power means faster rides. Riders have seen speeds increase from under 15 mph to over 20 mph depending on outdoor factors. With the upgrades, Gotrax scooters perform at higher levels.

Change the Tires

For some stock Gotrax models, switching from air to solid tires has potential to boost top speeds up to approximately 16.5 mph according to research. Solid tires also impact ride quality, providing less cushioning than air-filled options.

Any modifications involve tradeoffs between performance goals and ride characteristics to consider carefully based on individual riding needs and road conditions. Overall, manufacturers design specifications carefully to ensure safe, comfortable operation.

Optimizing Speed: Adjusting Speed Settings

There is a safe way to go faster without risking damage – adjusting the speed settings. The scooter has programs that control how fast it can go. An experienced adult can access the controls to change the speeds. Going into the settings carefully allows for optimizing the performance.

Riders can select programs for different maximum speeds. A lower setting keeps new riders safe as they learn. But curious riders can select faster options once skilled. Adjusting provides more speed without bypassing protections. It allows enjoying higher speeds while keeping safety measures in place. Remembering to wear proper gear helps ensure any faster riding is both fun and secure.

Accessing Speed Mode Settings

Gotrax scooters have modes that pick the top speed. A grown-up can find where the modes stay. Under the deck, there is a box with a control chip. They use special tools to get inside carefully.

The chip has programs for speed listed with numbers, including Test Electric Scooters. Mode 1 may go slower for learning, and higher modes allow faster riding. Skilled riders select mode 4 or 5 after practice. But learning control and starting slow, especially when testing electric scooters, is important too. Safety gear helps protect riders no matter the speed. Understanding settings, including those related to Test Electric Scooters, helps riders ride smarter and follow safety guidelines.

Gear 2 Speed Mode

Gear 2 Speed Mode

Gotrax scooters have modes to pick speeds. Mode 2 allows faster riding than Mode 1. An adult can find the box under the deck with tools. The chip inside lists modes with speed program numbers. Mode 2 may let the scooter go up to 12 miles per hour. This is quicker than Mode 1 but still safer than higher modes. Riders learn better speed control at this pace before going faster. Protecting safety gear is still important for each riding mode.

Additional Tips

Following these tips on accessing speed modes can help optimize performance. There are also some additional things for riders to keep in mind.

Lighten Your Load

Carrying heavy loads can slow a scooter’s speed and acceleration. Lightening cargo where sensible allows for performance closer to rated specifications, though rider comfort and safety take priority over marginal potential speed boosts from unnecessary weight reduction.

Regular Maintenance

Checking parts and tightening bolts regularly helps scooters run smoother. Riders should also keep tires inflated and chains or belts oiled. Cleaning off dirt keeps the insides working properly no matter the speed mode used. Proper scooter care helps speeds feel safer and scooters last longer for more rides.


How can I increase my GoTrax speed?

To increase your GoTrax speed, you need to upgrade the motor or controller to a more powerful one. This will allow the scooter to go faster but may require an external battery with higher voltage.

What is the top speed of the GoTrax GXL V2?

The top speed of the GoTrax GXL V2 scooter is 15.5 mph when in Pro Mode. This top speed is achieved with the standard 250W motor and 8.5-inch pneumatic tires included on the model.

How do I make my electric scooter go faster?

To make your electric scooter go faster, you need to upgrade components like the motor, controller or battery to more powerful ones capable of handling higher speeds. Always check your local laws before attempting to exceed the default speed rating.

Does GoTrax have an app?

Yes, GoTrax does offer a companion mobile app for iOS and Android devices. The GoTrax app allows you to monitor the scooter’s battery life, maintain firmware updates, and check diagnostic information.

Is the GXL V2 waterproof?

While the GoTrax GXL V2 is not fully waterproof, it features an IPX4 rating meaning it can withstand small amounts of splashes or light rain. However, prolonged submersion in water can damage the internal electronics.


While removing the speed limiter allows riders to go faster, it is best to ride safely. The manufacturer puts the limit for good reasons. Riders must be careful at higher speeds to avoid falls or damage. It is always safer to listen to adults and learn control on slower modes first. Following tips gently make rides more fun without taking big risks.

Some riders try changes like bigger batteries for more speed. But the limit helps parts last, and safety gear is still needed. Most important is handling skills and staying in control. Riders can enjoy faster speeds once excellent at slower riding according to the rules.

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