Why Hiboy S2 Pro Is Not Charging?

The Hiboy S2 Pro is an electric scooter that requires charging to work. When fully charged, it can travel long distances on a single charge. However, sometimes the battery may not charge even when connected to the charger. This could mean the battery is unable to intake electricity or there may be issues with other components preventing the charging process.

Have you also faced the frustration of your Hiboy S2 Pro not charging up despite keeping it connected to the charger? It can be quite annoying when the battery does not receive electricity even though all charging settings seem correct. This leaves you unable to use your electric scooter until the issue is resolved.

The Hiboy S2 Pro electric scooter uses lithium-ion batteries that have a limited lifespan. Over time, some natural wearing and tearing of internal battery parts can disrupt smooth charging. Other causes could be damages to specific charging ports or wires. It is important to diagnose the root problem to restart charging and continue enjoying convenient rides on your Hiboy S2 Pro.

Hiboy S2 (&S2 Pro) Charging Error Code

Hiboy S2 (&S2 Pro) Charging Error Code

The Hiboy S2 electric scooter may encounter electric scooter charging problems, which are indicated by specific error codes that appear during the charging process. These codes play a crucial role in quickly identifying and resolving issues. One commonly observed code is a flashing red light, which typically signifies low voltage. This alert serves as a prompt for users to address the underlying problem and ensure a smooth charging experience for their electric scooter. In some cases, users may need to remove the electric bike battery and inspect it for any damage or malfunction that could be causing the low voltage issue.

This occurs if battery is drained completely. Do not charge and contact support. A orange light code means something blocks charging. Check plug connection and charging port for dirt or damage. These error codes, including the Hiboy S2 Pro battery troubleshooting, save much time in getting the scooter working again. Knowing these codes stops guesses about problems, and it’s crucial to share them with repair shops.

When faced with the Hiboy S2 Pro battery troubleshooting, repair shops can understand the issue immediately and proceed to repair promptly. This ensures that riding can resume soon, and staying informed about charging codes from the manual helps troubleshoot safely and quickly. All riders can then get back to fully enjoying convenient rides.

Charging Indicator Lights & What Do They Mean

The charging lights make it easy to understand the charging process at a glance. As the battery slowly gains power, the lights will cycle through different hues that each mean something about charging progress or potential issues that could be occurring.

Here is a table about the charger light indicators on the Hiboy S2 Pro and what they mean:

Charger Light Meaning Relation to keyword
Red Charging in progress. The battery is receiving charge from the charger. A steadily red light indicates the charging process has started successfully and the scooter is charging. A flashing or non-changing red light could mean the scooter is not charging properly.
Green at 0% Battery is fully drained to 0% and needs time to charge before charging can start. If the light remains green at 0% after connecting the charger for some time, it means the scooter is not charging as it should have turned red. This could contribute to the question “Why Hiboy S2 Pro is Not Charging?”.
Green at 70-80% Battery has charged to 70-80% capacity and is maintaining charge level. After charging for a reasonable time period, if the light stays green at 70-80% instead of turning fully green at 100%, it suggests the battery is not charging to full capacity. This raises the issue of “Why Hiboy S2 Pro is Not Charging?” fully.

Hiboy S2 Pro Charging Issues: Step-by-Step Troubleshooting

Charging glitches irritate. Take a methodical way to catch what causes it fast. When the Hiboy S2 Pro has charging trouble, a step process helps fix it.

First, see where it fails. Check basic plugs and wires then check inside more.

  • Try a Different Outlet
    • Use the charger in another electrical outlet to see if the charging issue is related to the power source.
  • Perform a Battery Reset
    • Remove and reinstall the battery to reset any firmware or setting errors that may be blocking charging.
  • Check the Charger and Charging Cable
    • Inspect for any damages, bent pins, or loose connections that could interrupt charging.
  • Inspect & Troubleshoot the Battery
    • Examine the battery for swelling, leaks, cracks or damage that require replacement.
  • Inspect the Fuse (Common Issue)
    • blown fuses are a frequent cause of charging failure, so check and replace if needed.
  • Check Connections and Charging Port
    • Make sure all ports making contact are clear of dirt, corrosion or obstructions.
  • Test Each Battery Cell
    • Trouble cells not holding charge can cause charging failure, so test voltage of each.
  • Seek Professional Help
  • If issues persist after checking basics, consulting a repair shop can fix complex problems.

Hiboy S2 Pro Battery Maintenance Tips

Hiboy S2 Pro Battery Maintenance Tips

Regular Charging

Charge battery fully before each use. Partial charge is bad. Plug scooter when not riding for a day. This keeps battery fit and ready always.

Storage Care 

When not using a long time, charge to around 40%. Store in cool, dry place. Check charge every month. Recharge if very low. This protects battery from damage during rest times.

Prevent Overcharging

Unplug when the light turns green. Overcharging makes the battery die sooner. The charger stops on its own but unplug to stay safe. Extra charge does not help, only harms the battery insides over time.

Routine Inspection 

Check case for cracks monthly. Clean dirt from ports every few rides. Tighten loose plugs. Damage inside can cause issues. Small fixes now saves repair cost later. Batteries don’t last forever with use. 

Proper care helps batteries work a long time.Temperature Matters (60 words): Avoid very hot or cold places. Temperatures under 0 degree or over 40 hurt battery. Keep indoors when not riding in such weather. This keeps battery happy and healthy.

Battery Replacement 

Over 500 charges, consider replacing. Old batteries lose ability to maintain charge. Swap with genuine parts for best performance. Authorized service centers help with safe replacement when time comes. Proper maintenance makes batteries serve well.


How do I fix my electric scooter not charging?

Taking a systematic approach can identify what prevents charging. Check common issues like connections, charger damage and battery health first.

How do I know if my Hiboy S2 is charging?

Look for the charging light colors which show status clearly. Each indicates charging progress or signals if something stops the flow of power to the battery.

How do I reset my Hiboy S2 Pro?

Disconnect battery for one minute to reset electronic parts. This often fixes glitches blocking functions. Reconnect and check if the issue disappears.

Why is my Hiboy scooter not working?

Troubleshoot potential causes like low battery, problems charging, or faulty parts. Determining where in the system it fails helps identify a solution.

How do I know if my Hiboy is charging?

Check the color of the charging light. Each color means a stage of charging or issues that prevent charging. Refer to usage manual for light meanings.


Knowing charging light colors helps one see battery status fast. Lights also show when issues happen. Paying attention means catching problems soon. Following maintenance tips care for battery health. Regular full charges, safe storage, and avoiding overcharge protect the battery inside. Checking cleanliness prevents charging blocks. Small fixes and care today ensure travel continues tomorrow trouble-free on the Hiboy S2 Pro.

Proper battery care makes it work well for many rides. Learning lights and codes makes refilling current easy to understand. Taking time each month for maintenance tasks has big rewards. It saves from expensive upgrades later. Most importantly, it keeps the fun of riding stress free always.

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